A Little Piece of


By Tyffani Adams

Austin Howell. A local and upcoming artist located in the heart of Denver, Colorado. Mr. Howell was originally born in San Diego County, California. He moved here to Colorado upon his father’s relief of services in the military. Howell has been in the area since infancy and says he absolutely loves it.

Howell’s inspiration for getting started in the music industry started when he was a young child. His mother kept a small journal of sorts, of the things Howell was saying and doing, like a memory book. In this there were a lot of stories, pictures of Howell singing and dancing, doing his own thing, at a young age. At the age of 11, a tragic car accident had taken place and impacted his life. He began to use music and writing as his outlet, and has stuck with it since. 

Howell likes to listen to all genres of music. He says he’s not sure how to categorize his style, but calls it skate rap. He likes to get inspiration from all different places and artists alike. He started writing his own music at the young age of 11, and has continued and started to perform at the age of 19. Howell was signed to an independent label, which set him on the path to his current solo performing.

Howell has done most of his own booking and headlining shows, and started doing that about 3 years ago at the age of 20… (He’s only 23? WHAT!!) He likes to book his shows at local venues, such as the Lincoln Station in downtown Denver, where he performs often, 2-3 times a month is what he told me. Every 3rd Wednesday of every month there is something poppin off at Lincoln Station. Howell says he enjoys the vibe of the local community and how everyone is cool with each other. No drama.

    Howell has done a small amount of travelling and did get to go to Atlanta. While he was in that lovely city, he had won a contest he didn’t even know was happening. The winner of this contest (Howell) got a radio interview on a local station in Atlanta. This interview made amazing publicity and listeners (thousands) in a matter of a few hours. It all took place about this same time last summer, you know the Colorado confused months of the season!  He went up against 13 other rappers and had to complete 3 songs in 5 minutes. Of course he did not find out he won until he had returned home in Colorado.

    Mr. Howells goals for his music are to be able to make a living and provide a good life for himself and those he cares about. He doesn’t want to do anything else, because his passion is in this everlasting music industry. He would love to make a well-known name for himself through his music production. He has plans for his own home design when he makes it!!  Visionary!! 

    His inspiration to continue making music and staying in the grind comes from his fans and the people and places he involves and dedicates his time and effort to. It’s a different world for sure. The fans that continually are there for him, the crowds he sees from the stage, people filming his sets, all of that keeps him inspired, and continuing to do what he does. It’s the feeling of accomplishment when he’s completed a song, and even with all the differences of people, he says he just brushes it off and he has a great attitude and a great outlook.

    Performing. His favorite thing about performing is when he hears the fans chanting or singing his songs back to him. And of course we can’t forget the awesome “Howl” that he does!  He started doing that for his name and it stuck and he does it every time since.

    (At this point Howell and P.Creepy from creeper productions have their own conversation going!!!! Something about wolves and vampires?? Who knows, may be a thing in the future!!)

    So when Howell is not busy running game in the music scene he still enjoys skateboarding, which he has done for longer than he’s been rapping.  He likes to go on drives with his lady. They like to go into the beautiful Rocky Mountains that we are lucky enough to have here near our city. Just do yourself a favor Howell and slow down next time!!!!!